A review by mollymortensen
Windfall: Book Four of the Weather Warden by Rachel Caine


The one thing the last book still had going for it was Joanne's magic. Well, that's ruined now. Thanks to David, she hardly has any power.

Joanne's life sucks. She's a joke of a weather girl. Sarah, her bitch of a sister, is taking advantage of her and spent all of the little money she had. Oh, and she's falsely accused, again.

Luckily, it gets better as it goes. Though Joanne never gets back to her typical strong self, and I could never stand Sarah.

At least it was plenty action packed and I wasn't bored. (once it got going) I actually liked her new friend Cherise and there was a really good scene between the two of them
Spoilerwhen she learns about magic.

There were a few too many plot lines going on and the "twist" was so obvious. At one point I thought, she practically needed it spelled out to figure it out, but nope, she still didn't actually suspect anything.

I used to like Rahel, but she's turned into a real bitch. Unfortunately, I feel like that about most of the characters. They used to be good.

One of my pet peeves, like usually deal breaker pet peeves, is
Spoilera magical grown-up baby. At least it makes sense this time, but I still don't like it.

I was considering stopping the series, but then it ended to be continued…