A review by greenbeanteenqueen
Suite Scarlett by Maureen Johnson


The few things I've read by Maureen Johnson have been hit or miss for me. I read 13 Little Blue Envelopes, and while I liked it, I didn't love it. Maureen's short story in Let It Snow, on the other hand was my favorite out of the collection and I wanted to read a book based on that story. So when I first saw Suite Scarlett, I liked the idea, but I was nervous about if I would like it or not.

I shouldn't have worried because Suite Scarlett was a delight. I love the Martin family (in some ways they reminded me of a non-magical, New York version of the Weasleys), and I found all of them endearing, even the sometimes annoying Marlene. I really loved how these siblings relied on each other and shared with each other-they new what it meant to be a family, which is a cool thing to see in YA books.

I first thought that Mrs. Amberson would be like the evil bosses in Devil Wears Prada or Nanny Diaries, but I actually enjoyed her and wouldn't mind spending the afternoon talking with her. She's eccentric, but I don't think she's a terrible boss and she has a good heart (most of the time). I'm looking forward to more of her schemes and ideas.

The greatest thing that Suite Scarlett pulls off is making a crush-worthy boy out of Spencer, Scarlett's brother, instead of Eric, Scarlett's crush. I've heard other bloggers gush about Spencer and I'm there with him-he's definitely a lit-crush! Scarlett still remains the main character, which is fine because I enjoyed Scarlett too and found her to be a fun character, but Spencer stole the show for me and I'm hoping to see more of him in the sequels as well.

I would recommened Suite Scarlett to readers who enjoy books about theater, memorable families, and madcap adventures. Suite Scarlett would make a great summer read and it's the start to a new series. Scarlett Fever comes out in January 2010 with a third book being