A review by b1llz1lla
Death Match by Matt Forbeck


Book number 7 from 2006 is Death Match, written by my friend Matt Forbeck. I gave Matt a pretty hard time about what I perceived to be flaws in the previous installment in this series, Dead Ball, but Death Match comes storming back, and has won me over.

Set in the fantasy world of Games Workshop's Warhammer, Blood Bowl is a sport not unlike football, but played by elves, dwarves, ogres, minotaurs, and of course humans. This, the third book in a trilogy (now a quadrilogy, if I remember correctly) has the Bad Bay Hackers and their star player, Dunk Hoffnung, doing battle against the forces of Chaos -- both on and off the Blood Bowl field -- and Dunk has a mark on his head that makes things both easier and more difficult for him.

Matt tells a good story, and his writing skills are pretty darned solid by now. I recommend this book to you as a combination sports story and fantasy novel.