A review by kaceydaniels
Defending Taylor by Miranda Kenneally


Okay so I didn’t know where to start. Kenneallys books confuse the hell out of me simply because I’ve read A lot of them and I either really love them or really hate them. Catching Jordan is one of my all-time favorite books ever. I’ve read it over and over again like five times. Jessie‘s girl is another one I read and I really liked. However all the other ones I’ve read I hated. I was really hoping this one was gonna be different because the first two I read were so good. I was glad to find out that this one was. I honestly might have a hard time telling you why I like this one I mean it kind of just sucked me in and I couldn’t put it down. I’ve been having a Books slump and hangover and that’s really rough so that’s why I pick this one up and it works so well for me. I loved loved Taylor she reminds me of myself I guess that’s why but she was cooler. Ezra was amazing and totally “lick-able” as Taylor says. He was so cute and I wish I had a caring sweet boyfriend like him who would give me puppies I mean who doesn’t want a puppy?!!! Do you only problem I had in this book was Taylor’s family. They were terrible when I say terrible that’s only because I don’t have a stronger adjective for that. The dad was bad which is in surprising because I feel like that’s a trend for politician parents and books but out of the four other people in her family he was the least bad. At least he tried with her and he talked with her. The mom was typical stuck up like you have to always dress up and be skinny. The sister was just like a B word and the brother was just like ehh. I hated how they treated her when they thought she had a drug problem and I hated how they reacted when she came clean to them. That is not how a family should act at all even when somebody does something wrong and the reaction was totally blown out of proportion. Yes she shouldn’t have been doing Adderall but with all that pressure it was understandable and what she did for her boyfriend was noble, yes it got hurt into trouble and maybe it wasn’t what was “right “. But it was a sweet thing to do and I feel like the fact that none of them acknowledge that and none of them were understanding or like even told her they understood. It was terrible and also not only were they super mad for like this little thing like I feel like they should’ve made them less mad then when they thought the drugs or hers but it made them more mad. And that’s so ridiculous they told her you destroyed your father‘s campaign for nothing to stick up for your boyfriend. Like the only reason they were upset it wasn’t because it hurt her but her her future or it made her unhappy everything that happened no they were worried about the dad‘s campaign like that’s so stupid and so hurtful to her she did not have a good support system at all. I liked Jack and I like how he stood up to his parents and dated Savannah. Ezra‘s dad I didn’t think was okay either Having a sister who has dyslexia maybe many more sensitive to this but it is not OK to treat that like this big dirty secret. it makes you no less smart than anyone else and they work so hard. So that was not OK but despite all of that and I know I just really went on a rant but that’s because I feel like I just need to get it all out so sorry about that I apologize lol. But if you stuck with me you’re probably wondering why I gave this four stars and honestly so am I it wasn’t as good as other books I’ve given four stars but I can’t bring myself to give it less I liked it I really liked it and I don’t know why honestly but I did so yeah. So after reading this if you have the smallest inkling I still wanted to read it I would definitely recommend it maybe after you read it and if you liked it you can tell me why you liked it so maybe I can understand why I did? Lol