A review by lifeinthebooklane
Forbidden Letters by Elin Peer


Quite simply this is Elin Peer at her very best

Whilst we've actually seen the end of the Men of the North series, this prequel gives us some insight into how and why the Motlanders and the Northmen grew so far apart. Elin's narrative is not only that of a love story but also a warning of how divided we can become over the simplest of issues. I adored this story and, if like me, you have read the rest of the series, it was so enlightening. It shows a time when the differences between the two nations were actually much less. A missed opportunity to build bridges rather than walls. Knowing the love of two very wonderful people led to even more suspicion, distrust and a worsening of relations between the Motherlands and the North was, at times, heartbreaking. A rather chilling analogy to so much of human history where something good has been twisted into something to fear.

Forbidden Letters is a beautiful story of love across the divide but also a warning of what happens when we allow prejudice and fear to lead our decision making. Whilst it is an amazing work of fiction, it also draws some eerie and foreboding parallels to the political situation in so many countries at the moment, my own included. Yet at no point does this ever feel as though the author is trying to force her views on us, but it does open ones eyes and elicit deeper contemplation at times. It's also one heck of an emotion packed, full of feels love story.

For some reason Devina reminded me of Christina, though she was a much 'freer' Motlander due to living in a different era. She had the caring-sharing ethos of the Motherlands, but was much less of a conformer to societal expectations and so much more of a free thinker. Tyton was perhaps more like Finn, a much milder N'man than some of the later protagonists. I totally and utterly fell in love with this pair, thankfully they get a much better ending than Romeo and Juliet did, even though I consider their love story to be just as wonderful as that of the star-crossed lovers.

This book took me through the gamut of emotions with a story that has carved itself a special place within my heart. I won't quote them, because of spoilers, but some of those lines in the epilogue were like a punch to the gut. I could feel them squeezing my heart!

I really can't recommend this book enough. The writing, the story, the pace and the characters do not disappoint but are all outstanding.