A review by thepeachybookworm
Blood Red Road by Moira Young


Let me start off by saying that I picked up this book a few months ago and had to put it down. Not sure why but I couldn't even get past the first chapter. Luckily, my friends pushed me to try it again and I'm so glad I did!!

In my opinion the book starts off rather slow. A little bit of action mixed with a lot of waiting, waiting, waiting, and reading. I struggled a bit with the dialect/writing in the book. I understand that it's important and it gives you the true feel of who Saba is and how these people are - but it was difficult to read at times. I felt perhaps the author tried to include too much of it in the book and I had to re-read several parts in order to understand what she was trying to convey.
But as I mentioned, it does make you understand the civilization and how primitive they are. The writing style reminded me of Lois Lowry's Gathering Blue - another book I really enjoyed even with the strange dialect.

I'd definitely say this is semi-dystopian although the author never discusses how the world came to be. She does reference the Wrecker world with skyscrapers, buildings, town, cities, etc... but during the book those cities are all gone and the lifestyle is very very primitive.

It took a while but I really did grow to love Saba. Hard headed, stubborn, determined, raw, but strong and kind all at the same time. A great lead.

It didn't take long for me to fall in love with Jack! I can't wait until the next book to learn more about him. Oh Jack :) Gorgeous, hero, romantic, kind but strong - everything you want in a leading man.

I really grew to love Emmi. She grows so much throughout the book. A strong little girl with a lot of fight in her and always surprising us with her ability to succeed even in the toughest circumstances.


The book started off a bit slow for me but once Saba and Emmi reached Hopetown the action really picked up and after that I couldn't put the book down. I loved that there were so many strong female leads - Ash, Epona, Maev... definitely more female warriors than male ones in this book and that is always nice.

I definitely enjoyed this book and I'm glad I gave it a 2nd chance. Highly recommended.(less)