A review by agrutle
Gifts of Honor by Rebecca Crowley, Stacy Gail, Angela James


I received this as an ARC for a honest review. This can also be seen on http://chillreviews.blogspot.com/

Starting from Scratch by Stacy Gail

I was sucked in to this book from the start. I could feel the sadness that Lucy felt when she knew that her ex-husband was back in town from recovering from a war injury. It's been a year since she had to let him go and try to move on. Sully can't remember her. He remembers everything else, but nothing about her. He even remembers things that happened while she was around but not HER.

Even though Sully can't remember Lucy, there is something that he can't put his finger on. A craving for sweets that no cookie he eats can cure. He starts to think maybe all the time she was there for him there should've been someone helping Lucy cope.

I couldn't imagine living in the same town as the person you thought you were going to spend the rest of your life with, and the reason you got the divorce was because they didn't remember you and you could remember the good times. Also having to deal with the love you still have for the person. Heartbreak doesn't even describe it. There were quite a few times where I was tearing up for Lucy and all she was feeling. Read this book, it was excellent!

Hero's Homecoming by Rebecca Crowley

This was another one that I was sucked in to completely from the beginning. I felt for Chris. I didn't feel sorry for him because honestly he was being an ass but I felt for him thinking he wasn't worthy of Beth now that he was blind.

Beth was floored when she got a phone call from Chris to pick him up at the airport. She wanted answers for the email that he sent her a few months prior. She got her answers.

Watching them learn to be around each other again was tedious. Chris has PTSD and his injuries make him snappy. Beth can't trust him with herself even though thats all she wants is to be with him again. Loved this one and I'm sure you all will too!!

Thank you to all the military serving and that have served. We owe you for our freedom.