A review by ecooper99
Baby Meets World: Suck, Smile, Touch, Toddle by Nicholas Day


Now that I have one of my own, babies fascinate me. Everything about them is a complete mystery - from their sleep habits to their potty habits. Sure, you can read a thousand books that aim to tell you how to get your baby to sleep, and how to make sense of the myriad of colours and textures that fill their diaper, but no other book attempts to make sense of a baby’s world from his or her perspective. I thoroughly enjoyed reading Day’s account of what it’s like to be a baby and why the things that seem downright foreign to us (swaddling, pacifiers, toe sucking - just to name a few) come so naturally to babies. I will admit that some parts on the history of how we raise children made me squirm - and not in a good way. My new mama hormones really couldn’t handle some of the more cruel ways we treated our infants throughout history. But the book is meticulously well researched, and written in an approachable, conversational tone. If you’re looking for something other than a typical parenting tome, and you want a new perspective on why babies do the things they do, this could be the book for you.