A review by thepattyshack
The Buried Dagger by James Swallow


Jesus, where to begin with the last official entry of the Heresy series?

Probably best with the on the nose sentence from Malkador!
"The pages has turned, the siege of terror begins"
Me: hahaha fuck off that's funny.

The side by side stories worked emmaculatly together.
A wonderful round circle for so many and continuation of others, keeping me guessing at what I think I know will happen, or showing me how things happen.
The ability to humanise a character that for the entire 54 books has seemed very one note, how did you not expect this guy to be evil, is beautiful story telling and tragic with how it went and where it went.

I wish I was a better writer to be able to express how this book was able to be a full stop on the series while also a dot dot dot.

Now, do I take a break, or just start the siege right away?