A review by tildahlia
Memoirs of Hadrian by Marguerite Yourcenar


A few caveats:
1. I'm not really that interested in the Roman Empire.
2. I can see why people love this book.
3. I did not love this book.

So, given my first caveat I suspect many wonder why I chose to read this book. I stumbled upon it on Goodreads and the reviews were just so raving, I thought I'd give it a spin. Before you all lynch me for knocking Your Favourite Book Of All Time, as I concede in caveat 2, I get why y'all love it. The prose is lush and elegant and it comes across as a well researched, insightful summation of Hadrian's life. I wanted to love it, I really did. But it was just too self-aggrandizing (I'm such a cool progressive guy!) and frankly, boring for my palate and by page 130 I really had to psych myself up to open it up. Perhaps this is attributable to caveat 1, but two stars from me.