A review by peachykeenreviews
The Conch Shell of Doom by Ryan Hill


Ryan Hill is an excellent author. He not only has an outstanding imagination, but he also knows how to intertwine humor into his writing in a way that doesn't come off as tacky, but ingenious.

Going into reading The Conch Shell of Doom I wasn't sure how I was going to feel about it. It is not the type of book that I usually read, but I thought that I would give it a shot. The book is described as a science fiction/fantasy novel, but reads more like a novel version of a comic book. The story is full of action, and even though the synopsis makes it sounds as though it is a childish action adventure, the writing far surpassed that younger age group. Hill's writing is professional and witty, and none of it sounded forced.

It was clear to me that Hill was writing his story for himself, and that in turn made his writing suitable for all ages. He didn't talk towards a specific audience, and this allowed me to enjoy the story more. I loved the concept of the oceanic army, and at no point during reading the novel was I bored.

Hill is clearly an author who I hope to see more work from. He has an original voice, and I didn't find his writing to be similar to another author's. I don't like reading books that sound as though they have been done before, and The Conch Shell of Doom is not one of them. It is must read for any science fiction or action fan.