A review by redhairedashreads
Pets in Space 4 by S.E. Smith


3.69 stars

My overall rating is based on the average of the following stories ratings.
I did skip a few of these stories. They weren’t capturing my attention at the time and I plan to come back to them (if I don’t forget). The overall rating is just for the stories I actually read.

Madas’s Falling Star by S.E. Smith: 5 stars
Enemies to lovers. A pet lizard with mad skills. Stranded Hero. Heroine searching for freedom. Each race has horror stories about the other.

Madas is trying to get away from her planet to escape her mother and an arranged marriage. Gril Tal Mod crash lands on the planet and realizes his plane was sabotaged. With the help of L’eon these two realize there's more to their races than the stories say and that they might be able to help each other. This was a great story filled with great characters, humor, danger, and of course romance.

This story ties into with the Lords of Kassis series but can be read separately without any issue.

Dark Guard by Anna Hackett: 4 stars
Calla Ryss escapes the Edull and ends up with the cyborgs of the House of Rone. She is struggling to find her place and fight her attraction to Zaden. Zaden is a powerful telekinetic who uses cybernetic enhancements to control his powers. He is instantly attracted to Calla but is afraid his power will become a problem. Their relationship was quick and steamy and I loved it.

This is part of a series and I don't recommend reading this book unless you have read the rest of the series (Galactic Gladiator). I think it would be too confusing.

Entwined Fates by Tiffany Roberts: 5stars
After almost 20 years Volcair is getting a second chance to try and win over Kiara, the woman who has his heart. I was instantly entranced with Volcair and Kiara’s story. Their parting was heartbreaking and I came close to tears. Their reunion was intense and they had a lot to work through but their love shone through.

I loved this story. Volcair and Kiara were great. I loved their reunion. I think I need to read the Infinite City now.

Star Cruise: Idol’s Curse by Veronica Scott: 4 stars
This was quite an interesting story. A sentient rock. A matchmaking aunt and dog. Good luck and bad luck. Thieves and murder.

Juli Shaeffer, Nebula Zephyr’s cruise director, has been tasked with honoring a deceased passengers final wish of returning a cursed/lucky rock to the beach of Tahumaroa. After a lot of weird and unfortunate things keep happening Juli starts to think the owner might have been right about the rock. I liked Juli. She was smart, competent, and knew how to interact with people and make them happy (a skill I envy because I don’t like interacting with people).

Third Officer Steve Aureli is hoping Juli will finally give him a chance again. He finally gets his chance while helping her find the mysterious rock. I liked Steve because he was such a sweetie and never pushed too hard or too fast with Juli. Even though this story takes place over a few days it seemed like a slow building romance between them, which I loved.

Overall, I really enjoyed this story and look forward to more.

Cyborg’s Revenge by Pauline Baird Jones:
I am skipping this story because the blurb did not really capture my attention. I might come back to this at the end but we will see.

SpyDog by Laurie A. Green: 4stars
Rigel is making his way to the Network ship with sensitive intell when it explodes. He quickly hides but is found by Sona who says she is also Network but can he trust that. Maura, his spydog, says she is a friend so he reluctantly agrees to let her accompany him to their next pick up point. What follows is a wild ride of these two making their way to the Network base while dealing with their feelings for each other.

I quite liked this one. It was filled with love, heartbreak, and a cute spydog.

Nothing Remotely Familiar by Donna McDonald: 4 stars
Another crazy Topper adventure, but this time it features the whole family. Jessica, her daughter, finally gets assigned her first Familiar and it’s not a normal one. Traveling to Glacier causes unexpected complications with Toppers second pregnancy. An enemy out to get the family. And of course a beautiful goddess.

I quite enjoyed this story. I have enjoyed Topper’s shenanigans over the years and I am glad to see that motherhood hasn’t changed the craziness. I can’t wait to see more from this family because I know they are always up to something.

Doom by Regine Abel: 5 stars
Victoria’s dream of being a small town doctor is destroyed with the Kryptids make contact with earth. As she is fighting to survive and save her patients she meets the alien, Doom. Doom was engineered to eradicate Kryptids. Together these two fight to save the humans and eradicate the enemies while falling more in love with each passing moment.

I loved this story. It was everything I look for in an alien romance. I really hope there will be more books because I really want to see all the brothers find love.

Edit: just saw that there are more books to this series and they are on Unlimited. I am totally going to read them!

Winter’s Prince by Alexis Glynn Latner:
Another skipped story for now.

Heart of the Spider’s Web by JC Hay: 1.5 stars
This story just starts in the middle of what is going on, which was extremely confusing for me. I never understood what actually happened in the world that this is taking place in because of it. I felt like I couldn’t connect with the characters because I didn’t understand the overarching story.

The Princess and Her Bodyguard by E.D. Walker: 4 stars
Princess Liana and her companion Pym has been kidnapped. If her father hadn’t gotten rid of her bodyguard Jacen this wouldn’t have happened. When her kidnappers don’t get the answers they want things escalate Liana fears for her life but before things get bad she is rescued by Jacen.

I quite enjoyed this one. Liana was smart, kind, and can kick some butt when needed. Jacen, her childhood friend and former bodyguard, was tough, smart, and perfect for her. I quite enjoyed their adventures saving each other and saving Pym. They really kicked some ass.

I really want to know more about this world as well. The caliba birds were fascinating and I want to see more of them in the future.

Interrupting Starlight by Kyndra Hatch: 4 stars
Tessa has been stranded on a desert planet for two years. She is rescued by the Korthan who are at war with the humans. They offer to help her get home though. She is drawn to L'Den but doesn't understand why.

I enjoyed this one. I liked Tessa and Squeak alot, especially Squeak since he was so unique. I would like to see more stories about the Korthans.

Import Quarantine by Cassandra Chandler: 4 stars
Caitlin, a veterinarian, is woken from sleep for a house call to check on a sick cat. While following Marq to his cat she realizes there is something off with him. He talks weird and doesn’t understand some basic things. She quickly realizes that he is an alien and they have bases on Earth and the moon.

I quite enjoyed this short story. I liked Caitlin and Marq’s quick relationship and their working through the cultural differences. The pet is just a classic cat but it works perfectly for this alien species who has no experience with animals in general. I really hope we get Nika and Buddy’s story next!