A review by applecarts
Hanna is Not a Boy's Name Volume 1 by Tess Stone


I went into this rather late...already knowing that there would be no real ending. That it would be unfinished and incomplete. But something about it kept making me want to go back at least to see what the whole fuss was all about. That being said I sat down and read all of the first two chapters and the incomplete 3rd chapter in a matter of hours and I get it...truly. It makes me incredibly sad to know that 'Hanna' will never really be continued, and that we will never know what actually happens with our main paranormal detective Hanna Falk Cross and his mysterious nameless ~zombie sidekick~. Hannas past, and even {...}'s past. Who was he before he died? Not only that but...everything else. Ples? Conrad and the others unexpected attack from this new mysterious vampire hunter character? What really happens? But, alas we shall never know I guess. Regardless, I did love this story and I can see why it still manages to have such a huge following despite everything. I'd still recommend it to anyone and I'll probably even re-read it myself from time to time. I also know that there is a lot of really great fanfiction and fanart out there which I'm sure will suffice if I ever miss Hanna again. Anyway, yes. Definitely a favorite of mine. Do read it if you come across it, the characters and the drawings are extraordinary and I only wish I could see more of them "officially". I've only just read it but I miss it alreadyy!