A review by cupcakegirly
All the Broken Pieces by Cindi Madsen


4.5 STARS!

Thank you Entangled Teen for this ARC. This is such a unique concept that's equal parts creepy, cool and romantic. There's also kissing which I'm a HUGE fan of! Liv appears to suffer from multiple personalities and one might jump to conclusions that's she's either schizophrenic or riding the crazy train, but she's not. Even though she has no memory of her life before her accident, she does have really vivid dreams she can't explain and the answers she gets from her parents are shady at best. When she starts a new school, she longs to find a place to fit in, but that's almost always easier said than done. The voices aren't much help as they argue about whether she should hang with the popular crowd or be friends with everyone.

Spencer is the one person she can be herself with, even if she isn't exactly sure "who" that self is. When we first meet him, he's a giant angrypants but the more he and Liv hang out, the more he lets his guard down. *clutches Spencer* He's as broken as Liv is, but in different ways and my heart melted into a big puddle of swoon as they worked through her list of "firsts", slowly rebuilding each other along the way.

The "creepy" element comes into play as you try to figure out what the heck happened to Liv and when everything is revealed, it's a total "WHOA!" moment. The ending was both unexpected and bittersweet and had me crying ALL THE TEARS! :)

One of the things I enjoyed about this read is that there's nothing to cringe about. It has it's heart melting kisses but no sexy parts and the language is mild. (one s-word, I think.)