A review by ellemdrew
Embrace the Dark by Elizabeth Briggs


I understand why people asked for this book. I wanted a little more, to be honest. And yet... it wasn't needed. The politics of it really annoyed me. The pacing of the romances were rushed - we only really got development from the last two. After having the first four books being strangers to lovers, having so many friends to lovers plots was just... yeah. I didn't enjoy it as much.

Not that I'm anti-fast burn, but the first four books took one book per relationship, and this one just mushed them all into one. The last two to join together were much more developed.

Also, it's a reverse harem, and there was only one smut scene that had everyone together, so I kind of wanted more.

That stated, the twist ending sort of saved it for me. Also the uhhh relationship between the last two. Yes. YES. I think if I read this series again, I would skip reading number 5. All of the politicking just wasn't for me.

That stated, I'm going to go read more from this author probably right now today. So yeah. 4/5 but like I'm not mad about it I'm just not a big fan of friends to lovers.