A review by fbroom
Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert


I didn’t expect to get hooked to this but I did! It took me two days to finish it all.


Emma has a lot of expectations. She read many romantic novels and fairy tales that she believed were true. She wanted a similar fairy tale for herself. She married Charles but Charles was not it. She went to a ball with Charles where she saw a glimpse of the life she was reading about or hoping to have. She insisted on moving and they moved. Charles wasn’t it or the new town so she spent her energy creating this fairy or unrealistic lifestyle hoping it will somehow bring her closer to her dream but that didn’t work either. She meets Rodolphe who seduces her but he backs out at the end and breaks her heart. She thought it was Leon but nope it’s not him. She remains unhappy.

I mean regardless of her expectations, there is an Emma in each and every one of us. We each have secret dreams, hopes and expectations that we live for. Emma’s expectations were unrealistic. Escaping a marriage in the 19th century is impossible. There weren’t many options. She was unhappy. She didn’t know what to do and she took the wrong path unfortunately.

My first read for Flaubert. Flawless.