A review by sandylovesbooks
Ghost Hunter's Daughter by Dan Poblocki


Another really good ghost story from Dan Poblocki. I really loved the story and the characters. Claire and Lucas are great main characters. I mistrusted Dolly at first but came to like her too. Especially since she is named after Dolly Parton. Who doesn't love Dolly Parton?

The story was just spooky enough and not too scary that some kids might have a problem. Just imagine the white orb surrounding you and keeping you safe. That's good advice for many things.

One thing that kind of put me off. For so long I've read juvenile fiction books where the authors called the parents and other adults by their married names, for example, Mrs. Jones or Mr. Johnson. I always thought that was too formal for me. In this book the author called the adults by their first names and it sounded weird to me. So I don't know how I feel about which way it should be. Maybe I just need to read more books like this.

I can't wait to see what next spooky tale this author has in store for us.