A review by limabean74
Fractured by Majanka Verstraete


You might want to sleep with the lights on or maybe you might want to remove all the mirrors from your house. Fractured by Majanka Verstraete is the kind of book that makes you think about doing both. Mirrors creep me out I always avoid them when I am in the dark. They are like gateways to another world or I'm always scared when I turn the lights on someone will be standing behind me (yes I sound like a crazy person but they really freak me out) I was a bit jumpy (as you can tell) when reading this but it was a good kind of scary.

Piper and her mom move into a new house and while she is checking out the attic she comes across an old mirror. Once she hangs the mirror in her house strange things start to happen. She tries to find out the history of the mirror and the house and what she turns up will change her forever.

I want to say I knew what was going to happen but I didn't. This book had so many twists and turns it was FANTASTIC. I really loved the characters and the vagueness that was involved really worked so well that some stuff that happened I didn't see coming. The story kept me reading I never hit a slow spot and the story climbed right from the beginning. Really kept me reading way past my bedtime. I was shocked how it ended and only makes me want to read the next one even more. I had to make this review short because I can't think of what to say that wont give away any of the awesome details.

I gave this book 4 stars. Totally recommend to anyone who likes classic horror movies, why do I say that? Totally reminds me of one. You know the ones you sat around with your friends and got a bit freaked out but just laughed it off then later when you are by yourself you can't stop thinking about it and now in a total panic? Well this is that kind of book. I honestly can't wait for the next one. I had so many questions left over and I am just dying to find out what happens!!!
