A review by amyiw
Born of Defiance by Sherrilyn Kenyon


Solid very good 4
I really liked this but also realize why I didn't come back to catch up again. Kenyon is very hard on her characters and the injustice is so blatant and out of control, it is hard to except. So when our protagonist overcome and then fight back and are again kicked into the dust, it is hard to take. It is not full of a lot of humor and right now I would go for a light, silly, humorous read easily. This is emotional, heavy, and harsh, yet it is very good, with characters that you feel you know and get to love and want to win. When they do win, it is a relief like a friend has overcome the injustices and final got what he/she deserved.

So here we have Talyn and Felicia, and it follows the pattern of most of these stories with slightly differing situations. Bad people and circumstances hold down our couple and keep them from being together. They usually are tortured in some way and then with stops and starts, overcome the circumstances and horrid people.

This is set in a timeline that book 1, [b:Born of Night|2992061|Born of Night (The League Nemesis Rising #1)|Sherrilyn Kenyon|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1549166388l/2992061._SY75_.jpg|1329454], Nykyrian's story is so we go back a step. Talyn is Fain Hawk's son but we aren't really sure, don't think that, Fain has any idea of Talyn.

So my main issues with the book is the same for most of these books, too many captures, tortures, healings, etc..., it starts to get to be "again?" in my mind or "not again, eye roll" as you see it coming. And the coming back from the brink of death? How many times in this one? Yep, it is going to happen just like in all the rest of the books. So going in we know these are very possible as they are go to plot points in this unfair universe. I still like the story and read them all the same.

This particular book has a HFN (happy for now) feel rather than a HEA due to the way it ends.
Spoiler They are not even allowed to live together more or less marry. And to have children, is against the law and he would be thrown into prison.
I think I would find somewhere else to live because the Andarians suck. And hence my 4 stars. I'm not happy like I should be for them. This is a romance at the heart, yet it is an epic scifi too. Luckily no cliffhangers though we really want to know what happens to all the characters still.

I will definitely read on and catch up again in the series as I'm already putting the next to the top of my TBR.