A review by readingrainbill
Haiku Illustrated: Classic Japanese Short Poems by Hart Larrabee, Yosa Buson, Kobayashi Issa, Matsuo Bashō, Masaoka Shiki


I remeber this
The counting on my fingers
And making haiku

But all joking aside this is a well done book. I got this as an advanced reading copy from Net Galley in exchange for an honest review so my lone issue may not even be an issue with the final product.

Just like I was taught from Dead Poets Society, I don't critique poetry. But what I can do is tell you that I did love the Haiku and thought they were quite beautiful. Are they good? Well I liked them.

There was artwork in this book as well and it ranged from beautiful Japanese woodblocks to a photo of a tree. The pictures were my only issue. The woodblocks were nice and topical but the random other pictures or small drawings felt out of place and it messed with the flow of the theme. Hopefully in the final product they'll change it.

But a few of the pictures being less than topical was truly my only issue. This was a great book and perfect for a coffee table conversation piece or as a thoughtful gift.