A review by kathydavie
The Body in the Basement by Katherine Hall Page


Sixth in the Faith Fairchild amateur sleuth mystery series about a caterer.

My Take
The focus here is on Pix detecting in Maine while staying at her summer home — Faith is on "vacation" in this book.

I found this installment a bit Nancy Drew-ish. And all the controversy in the story revolves around fake quilts and antiques, and it ticks me off about the "fake" quilts. I understand being angry with the Smithsonian for contracting toe-catching reproductions from the Chinese, but why get pissy about 10-12 stitches-to-the-inch quilts found in an antique store? Just what makes that quilt a fake? Does this mean any quilts I've made are fakes?

Makes me think of that stupid toilet paper commercial where they were using knitting needles to quilt the toilet paper… Do some research and get it right…

Anyway, if quilting and antiquing while enjoying lobster-clam bakes and village Fourth of July events is your thing — read on!

The Story
Faith's catering service is booked through the Fourth of July so Pix is going to oversee Seth's construction of the Fairchild's cottage only Pix finds a dead body in the dirt basement instead of the concrete she's expecting.

The Characters
Pix Miller is Faith's next-door neighbor and best friend. She and her family introduced Faith and her family to Sanpere Island, the Millers' summer destination.

Seth is building a cottage for Faith and Tom Fairchild on Sanpere Island.

The Title
Yep, that's what it is…The Body in the Basement.