A review by connorslibrarycorner
Airport - Code Red by Michael White, James Patterson


I feel sad to give James patterson a 2 star but I really am not a fan of this work.

I think Michael White was the lead author on this as I don't think the writing style was similar to my usual reads. And to his credit the writing of the book was well done. If anybody is interested in this subgenre I'd urge you to read the book as it is very well written. It just isn't for me.

The story itself was not my cup of tea, I am not a fan of books around the armed forces, military, SAS, etc. I'm unsure as to why it's just a subgenre that has never peaked my interest. I didn't know the story was about this when I picked it up.

I don't think I enjoyed the storyline as it felt too much like right place, right time which is a bit of a trope that I'm not a fan of.
I didn't care for the characters in particular. I have the book 2 stars as I don't think it was badly written, just not my cup of tea so deserved higher than a 1 star