A review by chenesbookishadventure
I'm a Gay Wizard in the City of the Nightmare King by V.S. Santoni


Such an interesting read. Although I missed the first book, the sequal still made sense and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
I enjoyed the queer representation, which felt realistic and not overdramatized. The characters had personalities that was more than just their sexual orientation. I enjoyed the way the characters responded to the circumstances and they're witty personalities.
The story was something I haven't experienced in a long time and had me laughing in more than a few places. The dialogue was fun and flowed naturally. It kept me at the edge of my seat and I could not put it down.
Thus I can just say I really enjoyed reading the book, getting to know the characters and the different settings.
The writing read easily which made for a fast and easy read.
Fantasy as not really being a place that has explored social representation, is slowly being addressed and for that I applaud this book.