A review by avoraciousreader68
The Boy Who Plaited Manes by Nancy Springer


A strange boy shows up at Lord Robley’s estate on the day of the Midsummer Hunt. He walks into the stables, goes straight to the stall of the lady’s white palfrey, opens the door, walks in and starts plaiting the long white mane. The head groom, in a rush to get the lord’s hunter ready, stops and stares at the strange boy doing magical things to the palfrey’s mane. He has no idea who this boy is or where he came from, but he’s got a lot to do in very little time, so decides to let him continue the plaiting. The Lord and Lady are delighted with the result and the boy stays to do the plaiting of all the horses. Who is this strange, silent boy? Where did he come from and who are his people?

This is an excellent short story. Well-written, smooth-flowing with an interesting main character. Personally, by the end of the tale, I thought the boy was fey or had fey blood in him, but we’ll never know. What we do know is that he had a magic way with his hands. I wish he was around to braid my hair. I’ve never mastered the knack of it. *sighs*

*Many thanks to Untreed Reads for providing me with a review copy. Please see disclaimer page on my blog.