A review by sairs_21
Zenith by Dirk Strasser


This book is different to what I normally enjoy reading and at first I struggled to fully get into it. However I still found myself getting drawn into the book and I found myself wanting to read more and more of it, like stopping reading it wasn't an option. I recommend that anyone who does struggle at first to persevere with it, it is worth it!

The story and characters are no the usual names, places and worlds you would read about and Jenny is so talented in been able to bring this world alive and keep as a reader captivated and intrigued throughout the entire book. When the twins had to separate and each take their own paths I felt anxious and excited about the characters and their journey. It was like I was part of the story and I was taking the journey with them. I am so glad I finished reading it so I can now rest I felt like such a part of it, it was like I was feeling everything the characters were.

When I wasn't reading this book I was still thinking about it. You know the episode of friends where Joey keeps a copy of The Shining in the freezer? Well that's what I wanted to do with this book so I knew Atreu and his travelling companions would be ok. Even now after finishing it the story stays with me and when I ask people questions I immediately ask myself is that the right question to be asking? Reading this book has opened up a whole new genre of books for me to read and enjoy. I am looking forward to the next book.