A review by jashanac
Lost Ark Dreaming by Suyi Davies Okungbowa


I received a free e-arc from NetGalley for this one and I honestly almost didn't request it, because of it being sci-fi (cli-fi, technically) and also a novella. Two things that aren't often my cup of tea. But: Suyi Davies Okungowa. An author that I tend to enjoy. And the premise sounded intriguing, for sure! 

However, I should have trusted my gut instinct that it wouldn't be my cup of tea. 

I absolutely think a LOT of people will really enjoy this or truly love it. But for me it was a little too technical-leaning and too abridged feeling. Also the writing style in this was different from Okunbgowa's typical writing style, in my opinion. Much more cryptic and hand-waving, which makes sense I suppose due to this story leaning more heavily on mythology and folklore. But it's not a style of storytelling that does much for me as a reader. 

I am also not someone who loves severely open-ended endings that leave A LOT of questions unanswered. 

So, I didn't have a terrible time with this, and I truly do see there being a large audience of people who will connect with this story and enjoy it more... but it ended up just being "fine" for me personally.