A review by alisonjfields
Blindspot by Jane Kamensky, Jill Lepore



For anyone who was ever,like, "I want an impeccably researched historical novel about the 18th century. I want it to be written in a pastiche of 18th century styles--literally as if 'Tristam Shandy' and 'Pamela' were having a meta-conversation. I want it to accurately portray the horrors of being anything other than a white man in Colonial America. Also, I want a murder mystery, some spicy cross dressing romance and an almost bodice ripper-y love story that doesn't ignore tricky questions about sexual orientation and gender politics. Oh, and it needs to be co-written by historian, New Yorker writer and National Treasure, Jill Lepore." Or to put another way, it would be nearly impossible to for an erudite page-turner to be more up my alley unless it also features pirates and French spies. What an absolute treat!