A review by mellhay
The Diamond Conspiracy by Pip Ballantine, Tee Morris, Philippa Ballantine


Where do I start?

By George! I do think this is my favorite book of the series. I don't know how Tee & Pip are going to top this one. This book is only 368 pages, but when I was done I felt like I read a door stopper 1,000 pages (enjoying every minute of it as it flew by). There was so much information packed into these minimal pages. It's hard to believe all that is here!


The secrets we learn! Are you curious about the Restricted Section of the Archives? You'll learn it. Curious about Director Basil Sound? Yes, your speculation was raised with those subtle moments by him. You learn about it!! Want a bit more on Wellington's past? We get to dip a bit further into that as well. Enjoy the assassin Sophia del Morte? You'll see her here in closer proximity, and if an assassin can have limits.

The immense amount of information and TWISTS will have your eyes bulging and jaw dropping through out the book! There are also a few big names from history mentioned in this book. Oh to see them here!

Eliza and Wellington return from the states in a rush. The Ministry Seven is in deadly danger and have called Eliza home. What the Ministry Seven have found, and trouble they dipped into, brings the dangers of the Queen and others into light. But when talking to the children, Wellington and Eliza realize the Department, another agency they know of under the Queen, is cleaning up...the Ministry. The Ministry is in grave danger and scattered about. Eliza and Wellington will learn great secrets that they will use to help restore society to it's rightful standing. But the Maestro and another new evil work to stop them at every turn. However, maybe a new ally will help give them an inside scoop on what they are up against...

Good grief, Charlie Brown! Talk about a kick start beginning. WOW! So much happening and I'm rushing to keep up.

My smile grew with each word of Eliza and Wellington's banter and brilliance in it. Goodness do I enjoy these characters, and even as a couple they are just as much fun. The humor and banter is not lost with a relationship started, as this is part of the foundation in their relationship as well. They both are taken with each other, but it seems Wellington is the one swooning a bit more. It's great to see Eliza is the strong woman we all know her to be. She is a field agent first and foremost with the Agency she knows and loves crumbling around her and danger on the heals of her loved ones. At the same time - when the time is there - she loves, hard. Wellington is new to field work and Eliza's knowledge of field work and the secrets not stored in Wellington's archives are important to their survival. Both their strengths play a huge importance in the book, and this is why this couple will survive as a duo of outstanding agents and a couple.

It was amazing to see the Ministry Seven in this book. They play an important part and have moved up in their standings from street children to much more. I'm hoping this is the list of new agents in the future, as they deserve it! We also get to see what happens to a few of the Ministry Agents through their eyes as the even is happening. Good and bad.

Pip and Tee take me through an array of emotions as I read this book. I'm relaxed with Wellington and Eliza, enjoying their banter and good humor. Then I picked up with the Ministry Seven. Oh the tension in me grew with theirs. And the worries and fears of what could happen with... Then the secrets I learn, and they don't stop! Oh it's a circle of emotions repeatedly.

By George! I do think this is my favorite book of the series. I don't know how Tee & Pip are going to top this one. This book is only 368 pages, but when I was done I felt like I read a door stopper 1,000 pages (enjoying every minute of it as it flew by). There was so much information packed into these minimal pages. It's hard to believe all that is here!


The secrets we learn! Are you curious about the Restricted Section of the Archives? You'll learn it. Curious about Director Basil Sound? Yes, your speculation was raised with those subtle moments by him. You learn about it!! Want a bit more on Wellington's past? We get to dip a bit further into that as well. Enjoy the assassin Sophia del Morte? You'll see her here in closer proximity, and if an assassin can have limits.

The immense amount of information and TWISTS will have your eyes bulging and jaw dropping throughout the book! There are also a few big names from history mentioned in this book. Oh to see them here!

Now, to wait with baited breath for the next Ministry book to arrive. As I know Tee and Pip can top what they've done, and I NEED to see it!