A review by vikingwolf
Blood Island by Tim Waggoner


I very much enjoyed Teeth Of The Sea by this author and this is a sort of follow up but you can read this as a stand-alone. A film crew are making a cheap B-movie version about the events featured in Teeth Of The Sea, and have chosen a small town struggling to get back on its feet after major hurricane damage to film it. Two location scouts are out in the water and are first to see The Mass, a floating island of blood cells and consumed foods that has been around since the dawn of time. It has captured sharks and enslaved them to effectively hunt for The Mass, attached by organic cords that can stretch over a distance. Now The Mass is moving closer to shore where the filming is going on and has developed a taste for human flesh.

Bridgewater does not know what is about to hit it. When the sharks eat someone from the production team, the mind of that person is absorbed into The Mass and it discovers what human imagination is. So begins a process of The Mass adapting the sharks so they can spread out from The Mass and go hunt food on land, putting every person in the town at risk. The Mass also has absorbed the idea of staging this slaughter like the plot of a horror film, but one with no happy ending. The product is a book written like a B-move plot about a filming of a B-movie, and I actually thought it was fun and entertaining to read. The very fact that killer sharks can slither through streets looking for victims and break into buildings is enough to give any horror fan a scare!

The characters were fun as well. There is classic horror actor Jarrod, who conceals that he has terminal cancer from the rest of the crew, with the exception of his fan and assistant Tasha, who has her own psychic abilities. There is Tamara, who is amusing herself having flings with several crew members and although she is classified at the slut, I actually liked her because she was pretty honest and straightforward about what she wanted and more resourceful a character than I expected. There was gun wielding bar owner Susan who was a proper take charge woman, writer Boyd who is sick of rewrites every time something goes wrong, who finds himself allowed to live as long as he continues to write the film plot as The Mass lets events unfold.

There is plenty shark related deaths as they all come ashore and invade the town one night. I enjoyed seeing the death and destructions and the survivors trying to band together to survive. They have to find a way to evade the sharks and escape the town before they all end up dead, or find a way to destroy The Mass. There is a lot of action in the book and I thought it was different from any other shark creature feature book that I've read. Yes the plot is a bit silly, but it was entertaining and enjoyable and that for me is much more important than realism. I will devour pretty much anything that features sharks eating people so I was pleased to like this one. I was rooting for most of the characters and of course I knew that not all of them were going to survive, but that is typical of this type of book.

If you like B-movie type shark creature features you might well enjoy this one. I certainly hope to read more of this kind of book by the author.