A review by literary__escapism
The Jewel Robbery at the Grand Metropolitan and Other Stories by Agatha Christie


Captain Hastings and Hercule Poirot take a holiday to Brighton. Instead of taking a restful break they become involved in a case of missing pearls, when a Mrs Opalsen, the wife to a stockbroker, discovers her pearls are missing. Poirot investigates in the hopes that they will be able to recover the necklace.

I like these short stories in audiobook format. They are fun to listen to when running errands, or doing housework. Since I’m a big Agatha Christie fan, it’s great to listen to David Suchet (who plays Hercule Poirot in the mini-series) and Hugh Fraser (who plays Captain Hastings in the mini-series) deliver a great performance in each audiobook.

In this story I enjoyed watching the interaction between Captain Hastings and Hercule Poirot. Hastings is as clueless as ever, and it’s up to Poirot to prove that the police have it all wrong, as he uncovers the real thief.

If you’re new to Agatha Christie or a long-time fan I recommend these short stories. Short, fun and enjoyable for all mystery fans.