A review by beastreader
Blue by Lou Aronica


Fourteen year old Becky just wants to be a normal teenager. Becky’s father, Chris knows that sending as much time with his daughter is very important to him. That is why, when Becky starts visiting the magical world of Tamarisk, while at his home, he does not care. Tamarisk is a place that Chris and Becky made up a long time ago. There in the land lives a Queen named, Mina. Some thing is wrong in Tamarisk. Mina needs Becky’s help. Can Becky help Mina save Tamarisk before it is too late?

Blue is the first novel I have read by Mr. Aronica. This book kind of reminded me of the movie, Bridge to Terabithia. I admit that I have never read the book but the movie was good. If you saw the movie you will remember that the two main characters, Jess and Leslie created this magical, fantasy world. Just like the movie, Blue is enriched with great characters, a moving story line, and an author who will have you want to read more of his work. I could feel the anguish Chris felt for his daughter and wanting to spend as much time with her as he possibly could. The world of Tamarisk is full of intriguing people, who are almost as real as Becky. Blue is a five star read in my books!