A review by misterjay
Stupefying Stories: March 2014 by John J. Brady, Pete McArdle, Judith Field, Julie C. Day, Torah Cottrill, Randal Doering, Carol Holland March, Bruce Bethke, Christopher Lee Kneram, Brandon Nolta


Anachronic Order by Christopher Lee Kneram
Time travel of the highest order coupled with the most basic of murders. 3/5

Dried Skins Unshed by Julie Day
Interesting tale of loss and time and letting go. 3/5

A Nun’s Tale by Pete McArdle
Fun and oddly funny story about a nun who has one last mission to fulfil. 4/5

They Followed Me by Carol Holland March
Quiet, thoughtful tale about the purposes we serve, even when we remain unaware of them. 4/5

Interregnum by John J. Brady
Action filled take on revolution and the space between kingdoms. 3/5

Full Fathom Five by Judith Field
Really nice little tale of a mermaid and the man who finds her. It’s about growing old with as much grace as one can muster. 4/5

Bone Mother by Torah Cottrill
Beautiful story about a baba yaga and the sacrifices she had to make. Really, really lovely. 5/5

Aleph by Brandon Nolta
Sweet, fairytale like story about a dancer finding a second chance at life. Soft and lyrical. 4/5

Alien Treaties by Randal Doering
First contacts and first contracts, seldom do either go as planned. 4/5