A review by jensbrede
Let's All Kill Constance by Ray Bradbury


A fast and very enjoyable read. Bradbury's story-telling style, humor, and wit are certainly some of the best one can get there hands on. Yet, this particular work was a little hard to follow (for me) as many of the references felt like inside jokes between the incredibly witty protagonists. Once I got into the flow of their conversations it became ever easier to follow the sloppy (but somehow also spot-on) language but the fact that many of the places, movies, and people referred to where at large unknown to me I feel like I've not been able to enjoy many parts as one could have. When I was able to catch a reference (such as Bradbury referring to Fahrenheit 451) immediately a smile crept on my face and I felt closer to the story.
All in all a very well made blend of facts and fiction in a mystery novel.