A review by situationnormal
Camilla by Madeleine L'Engle


This book was a little too short for me to get very attached to the characters. I liked Camilla for the most part, and felt that her struggles accepting her parents as people was very relatable. But books that revolve around the main character not caring about her closest friends anymore because of a guy make me frustrated and I just couldn't get into this one, despite the little emotional connections. I'm also tired of the trope in L'Engle's novels of the ugly duckling turning into a swan. If I took a shot every time someone told a L'Engle protagonist that she was "becoming quite beautiful" I wouldn't be here to write this review.

That said, I do love L'Engle's writing, and the depth of even her minor characters. I just have trouble finding any of them likable at all.