A review by emmarj
Constant Fear by Daniel Palmer


I received a copy of Constant Fear by Daniel Palmer in exchange for my honest review.

Jake Dent is a dooms day prepper in the closet. His son, Andy, is a hacker Robin Hood. What happens when Andy steals from the wrong people?

An interesting premise with an execution that did not do it justice.

First, the entire attitude that being a prepper is some awful, dirty secret that Jake has to hide didn't really jive with me. I'm a hippie and I have hippie friends - perhaps that's why I don't find the notion of being a prepper that odd.

Next, the plot device of the wayward ex wife seemed stilted and too convenient.

Constant Fear had several too-long passages of drawn out descriptions of Jake's gun collection or his myriad survival gear. A personal preference, but I just don't care. I'm sure if I was a gun or survival fanatic these pages would have been candy.

There was a part of the book where one of the main characters is going to check out a lead during a hostage situation. She believes she has approximately 40 minutes to solve the mystery of who is holding kids hostage and why before all of them are killed. So she stops at her house to pick up a dog and we're treated to a long description of an irrelevant trick the dog performs. A trick that was previously described toward the beginning of the novel. Uggghhh. This ends up being a convenient out for this character later but it was just so awkward and out of place that it distracted me from what was supposed to be a suspenseful few chapters.

Overall, Constant Fear gets two stars because the first half of the book lacked the cheesiness of the second half but this probably isn't something I'd recommend to anyone I know.