A review by kalynnalexander
A Betting Woman: A Novel of Madame Moustache by Jenni L. Walsh


I just dont know where to start with this. It began normal her family dies in a fire and she wants to get away so she leaves her fiance and flees across the country. Well then she meets a man named arthur who she knew for like (maybe) a few months?? Not really clear and he dies defending her honor and then she refers back to him the whole book even though she never refers to her old fiance who she was with for over a year... weird but whatever. So then theres ANOTHER FIRE where everything is lost and she decides to move on to another town. Shes with some weird group for like 2 years (im going to be honest I almost stopped reading here) and then she restarts in a new town and like gets this emporium for her card game. Okay but like she wont let women in at all... like not to play cards or anything and idk but i think thats pretty sus. So then the ex fiance finds her and he ends up being her business partner and he moves in and they are kinda in love? And then its her one year anniversary there but in the same paragraph it says its her third year so apparently time doesn’t exist here. Then she saves this girl who was being beaten and forces her to dress like a boy for YEARS because she doesnt hire women... this is legit only 2/3 of the book. I feel like it is just SO much rolled into it that it doesnt make sense. And the time never adds up and like the last 50 pages has almost 0 content. I just hated it and needed to let it out. Thanks