A review by fangirljeanne
He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not: Book 7 by Robin Mayhall


Another fun read. I liked the art, and especially loved that the Serena wasn't stereotypically feminine. It's nice to see all kinds of different girls represented in books aimed at young girls.

I'm a bit on the fence with this one, because how it dealt with the abusive dynamic in Serena's relationships with Lance. While I liked that Serena recognized that there was something wrong with Lance's violent behavior, but the ending left me concerned by how it's kind of brushes aside the very real signs of potential abuse.

I do think it's cool that these books are using the monsters as metaphors for real issues teens face, much like Buffy the Vampire Slayer tv show used to do, but this time around I don't agree with how they fetishized mental illness, and romanticized abusive relationships.