A review by lovegirl30
My Ideal Bookshelf by Thessaly La Force, Thomas Keller, Nancy Pearl, Miranda July, Michael Chabon, Dave Eggers, Chuck Klosterman, Jonathan Lethem, Alice Waters, James Franco, Alex Ross, Patti Smith, David Chang, Maira Kalman, David Sedaris, Nico Muhly, Jennifer Egan, Thurston Moore, George Saunders, Rosanne Cash


Previously posted on The Young Girl Who Loved Books

I honestly loved the idea of this book and its execution. I love hearing about everyone's bookshelves, I love watching book tube videos about them. I love reading about what other people love to read. I want to know everybody's favorite books. In order to find new books that I might love!

This book was perfect for me. Author Thessaly La Force asked around 100 creative people to create a list of their favorite books. Then explained that artist Jane Mount would be creating a shelf set up to display them. With a small bit about why the chose a few of their books.

Some of the names I knew were Malcolm Gladwell, Tony Hawk, David Sedaris, Patti Smith, Alice Waters, James Patterson, and lots of people I didn't know. I was surprised to see how many chefs and designers they asked. I would have loved to see more fiction than cookbooks that don't really interest me.

Honestly, I just loved all the illustrations the book included. Seeing all the books lined up was so good for my book-loving heart. I loved reading what everyone thought or why they picked certain books. I would have loved to see more classics on shelves. Sometimes I disliked the illustration and just skipped that page.

This will be any book lovers favorite book instantly. It will provide you with hours of entertainment. I kept renewing my library hold on it so I kept it for three weeks just savoring it. My to be read list has grown lots.