A review by slferg
The Chinese Parrot by Earl Derr Biggers


Charlie Chan ventures out of Hawaii. I woman he worked for as a child has requested her bring her valuable pearl necklace to San Francisco. She is selling it to raise money for her shiftless son. The buyer of the necklace is an autocratic man who knew Mrs Jordan when her family was extremely wealthy and he was a busboy at a hotel. He sees this as a chance for evening the score. He directs them to deliver the necklace only to him in New York, but then the jeweler receives a call ordering the necklace to be delivered to his ranch retreat in Arizona. Chan and the jeweler's son plan to go to the ranch to see what is going on and make sure the buyer is indeed who he claims since he changed the delivery place. What they run into is complicated goings on, made even more complicated by a film crew and a stranger who had followed the jeweler's son at the boat when he was supposed to be meeting Charlie Chan. But he got suspicious and led the guy astray. Then the man turns up at the ranch...and rips him off in a poker game.