A review by scrollsofdragons
Truth or Dare by Non Pratt


My first time reading a flip book. I read it in alternating chapters of Sef's and Claire, sometimes skipping a chapter ahead so that the other pov matched up with the timing of the other pov as the two parts were in a linear narrative. And I would recommend that as sometimes one character would say something and if you were reading part one first then part 2 you might get confused on about what that character was talking about.
I just felt that reading one character's perspective and then flipping for the other's perspective of the whole events would take me out of the story as I would feel like I was rereading the book in another's recap and I'm used to dual pov's so it was just easier for me. Then I could go on to reading part three narrated by both without having to go through the whole thing again from Sef's view.
You're supposed to do part one then two but that wouldn't have worked for me, it was better and more interesting this way as I would read an event by Claire and then see how Stef saw that event differently rather then trying to remember what event it both was had I not been reading it dual.

I really enjoyed this book, though I wish Sef had more page time as Claire was just a very meh character to me but Sef I adored. I didn't like the way it ended either
Spoiler after everything he did for his brother to not have them interact other then a look and two words to one another was disappointing.