A review by mindfullibrarian
Playing Dead by Peggy Rothschild


(free review copy) I adored the first Molly Madison book [b:A Deadly Bone to Pick|58608368|A Deadly Bone to Pick|Peggy Rothschild|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1626971492l/58608368._SX50_.jpg|91027933] but I loved this one even more! Rothschild manages to write about dogs as only a true dog lover can, but without anthropomorphizing them or having them be the narrators. This isn't a cutesy cozy, but it's also not a procedural or thriller - there is a wonderful Kinsey Milhone vibe in Molly Madison and the beach location is dreamy to read about. If you like light mysteries and dogs, this is definitely the series for you!

Source: Edelweiss digital review copy