A review by crayondall
Level 2 by Lenore Appelhans


So, I got an advanced reader copy of this book and when I first picked it up, I was a little iffy about it. That changed pretty much as soon as I began reading. It was fantastic.
I read a lot of young adult fiction and it tends to be fairly predictable, but this wasn't and it was pretty much impossible to put down.
Felicia Ward was a compelling main character and while I didn't always agree with her and her choices, watching her life unfold was incredible. Everything was timed so well, information wasn't pushed on you before you were ready, but it didn't feel like anything was being withheld purely for the sake of plot. While everything revolved around Felicia, the other characters were solid as well and learning about them through interactions in Level 2 and during her life was a neat balance.
The other thing I really enjoyed was the mix of Greek mythology and Christianity at various points. Also, the fact that there was sort of a love triangle, but not really, because it was all about different points in her life. And I'll just put down one final thing, because I have been raving about this book to my friends pretty much from the second I started it, but I liked that it had a solid ending, because it might be part of a series, but it can definitely stand on it's own.
Basically, it was just fantastic and I'm really glad I read it and everyone else should too!