A review by blodeuedd
The Mammoth Book of Paranormal Romance by Catherine Mulvany, Allyson James, Alyssa Day, Meljean Brook, Holly Lisle, C.T. Adams, Sara Mackenzie, Carrie Vaughn, Kelley Armstrong, Jean Johnson, Anya Bast, Lori Devoti, Anna Windsor, Cheyenne McCray, Rachel Caine, Ilona Andrews, Jeaniene Frost, Trisha Telep, Lynda Hilburn, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Michelle Rowen, Maria V. Snyder, Cathy Clamp, Eve Silver, Mary Jo Putney


Ok how to review this, I will not talk about all those stories. So a few short lines about those I really enjoyed.

The Temptation of Robin Green by Carrie Vaughn
I did not like it at first, which is bad since it's so short, but then I liked it. A story about a zoo with paranormal beings, and it was the selkie that got me. One hot hot scene too.

Light through Fog by Holly Lisle
This was a sort of ghost story but at the same time not. And it was heartbreaking, a wonderful little story she brought to life.

Grace of Small Things by Ilona Andrews
I guess it was set in that world she writes about, with magic clans and such, not sure. Anyway clans, a hunt, and I found myself liking this little story.

Once a Demon by Dina James
I think this was my fav, what a bittersweet story, heart wrenching about a demon and love.

The lighthouse keeper and his wife by Sara Mckenzie
Neptune, the sea, a lighthouse, lost love, a good history that evolved.

The Princess and the peas by Alyssa Day
Oh I liked this one, set in a lost country long ago, with fae and magic. Even though I imagined another thing happening and was a bit disappointed when it didn't.

At second Bite by Michelle Rowan
This was my second fav. A girl, vampires, soulmates, and it was funny. I loved her style, I really can see myself reading more Rowan.

The Dream Catcher by Allyson James
A strange world, repressed passion and a truly hunky guy. I liked what she begun.

So some I liked, some I have forgotten, some were ok. These were the good ones. Though the Jeanine Frost was kind nice too. Still I am not a short story girl, I want more, a beginning, an end, more! I need a long story.