A review by kottiel
The Autoimmune Solution: Prevent and Reverse the Full Spectrum of Inflammatory Symptoms and Diseases by Amy Myers


This is a super helpful, well-organized resource for those who have autoimmune illnesses or symptoms that put them on the autoimmune spectrum. I read a lot of highly critical reviews that seem to be offended by the restrictiveness of the diet, and I was left wondering exactly how many of those reviewers actually made it thirty days on the diet? And why rate the book poorly just because the diet is restrictive...it's not as though Amy Myers devised this herself -- it's almost exactly the Auto Immune Protocol (AIP) which is a standard healing / elimination diet. I am past the sixty day mark now and have slipped a few times (although I did have a thirty day stretch). There's a marked improvement and I feel much better. I feel like this is a standard but very progressive approach to illness when the focus isn't on treating the symptoms but addressing the root cause.