A review by xaryon
Legend of the Ravenstone by M.S. Verish


I liked the concept and most of the characters were interesting, but it felt too slow. We never got to the plot until Chapter 13. We had a slave-girl with wings who was able to easily escape simply by running through the hallways and out into the forest while no one even attempted to stop her. She spoke of her love of flying, yet always walked and never really used her wings. They felt more like a prop than anything functional.

There were other potential side-stories thrown in, yet immediately abandoned and it felt that the author merely introduced them because he wrote himself into a corner that he didn't know how to get to. A slave becomes a "lady in waiting" and once the noblewoman runs off with someone other than her "groom-to-be" the slave gets accused of aiding her. When she escapes, that entire plot is dropped and we only briefly hear about it with no real conclusion. Something like this wouldn't just be brushed aside.

I did like Jinx and Ruby, though Arcturus was a bit overdone. I could see what they were going at with him, but I kinda wished they picked a personality. One moment, he was understanding and helpful and the next, he argued over every detail. It felt that his entire purpose was to help with whatever plot the author wanted to move forward with at the time and nothing else.

Finished the first book and have chosen not to read any of the others.