A review by shanna_silver
Shattered by Jeri Smith-Ready


This review might contain spoilers for those who haven't read Shine.

If you haven't read Shine. Go read it, then come back.

Now, on to the review.

Heartbreaking. Amazing. Heartbreaking. Wonderful. Heartbreaking. Soulful. Heartbreaking. Heartbreaking. Heartbreaking!

This is Zachary's story. The part he hides from the world and from Aura for the most part. The things he hides behind his charm and his smiles.

The story begins with Zachary back in the UK and details his struggle to stay sane, to get better...to be finished, whole.

Spoiler "I want to give you a gift too. Me, finished."
Is what Zachary says.

The author approaches Zachary's pain, trauma and desperation in a very realistic and respectful way. And even through the worst parts, there will be a mention of something that will make you go "This is such a Zach thing to do!" What I mean is that even though he's quite thoroughly shattered, you can still see the geekiness, wit and every other bit that makes Zach...well, Zach.
Spoiler He made a graph for goodness sake!

We don't see much of Aura. She is there, through their texts, and video-chats. But this is about Zach. His journey, his pain, his healing.

I also liked the way Logan is incorporated into the story. A lot. It is unexpected and puts him in a role we have never seen him assume.

The absolute gift (yes gift) in this story is Martin.
We didn't see much of him in Shine and what we did see was a short chat through a computer screen, and a few bits at the end of the book. But Martin... Martin is amazing. Funny, caring, supportive, fierce, protective, an awful dancer, giving, willing to go above and beyond for those he cares about, loving, and so much more. As I said Martin is AMAZING.

The relationship between him and Zachary is one of the most heartwarming and tender ones I've ever read about (or seen for that matter). He's determined to keep Zachary above the water and that's what he does. No matter what happens to him, he recognizes Zachary's need for friendship and support and that is exactly what he gives him without ever asking for anything in return. Not once.

We need more Martins in this world. It would be a far kinder and better place to live in.

This isn't just a sad story. This is a story that will make you suffer alongside its characters. It will make you sad, angry, horror-struck. And yes, it will leave you feeling shattered.
Spoiler (Though it may or may not make it a bit better at the end.)

All in all an amazing companion to the Shade trilogy. If you liked the rest of it I highly recommend you check this one out. It is definitely worth the read.

5/5 from me.

(Is it okay to thank an author for breaking your heart?) I'm not sure, but I will. :)