A review by sqeeker
Down the Rabbit Hole by Peter Abrahams


- The very first paragraph made me laugh.

- Ingrid makes all kinds of dumb decisions!! She is the perfect example of the lying trap. She had to tell lies to cover her other lies.

- Grampy makes me laugh. He reminds me of my Grandpa Furr.

- There were things in the book that I thought didn't really add or do anything for the story. It was just fluff. For example: Grampy's property struggle. The fact that the Ferrands wanted to buy his land and he didn't want to sell wasn't really important.

- The overall book moved a little too slow for me, but it had its moments. The ending is pretty good. I knew who the culprit was, but I just didn't know exactly how he did it! I like how all the pieces came together.

- I was hoping for more Alice in Wonderland references and parallels. There were a few I guess...I just wanted more.