A review by chelse34
Portrait of a Killer: Jack the Ripper - Case Closed by Patricia Cornwell


This was an interesting take on who Jack the Ripper was. Based on her research, evidence, and new scientific technologies, she claimed she was able to figure it out. It would be interesting to see her claims of why it wouldn't be the "other" suspects. She mostly focused on why she thought it was Walter Sickert. Based on his childhood, his emotions, his letters, and his art, Cornwell was able to piece it together. He may be the Ripper, who knows! Some facts were a stretch for me, like how she described his paintings looking like his victims. I could see it if she described it, but wouldn't have thought that at first sight. It was interesting, but I think I would rather just read an information book about Jack the Ripper, and not have to read through all of the "why it's Sickert" stuff.