A review by jayrothermel
The Sense Of The Past: The Ghostly Stories of Henry James by Henry James, Glen Cavaliero


Whether today we consider "De Grey'' a tyro potboiler or an example of higher commercial melodrama, it suffers by comparison with "The Romance of Certain Old Clothes." Yet for the lover of strange and uncanny stories, "De Grey'' has a place and an unmistakable flavor.

In writing it, James must have felt close to the kind of aesthetic impulses that motivated Hawthorne to work on a tale like "The Ancestral Footstep." The De Grey family, on the surface innocuous to the point of boredom, turns out to harbor a historical and still living curse.

Full review http://jayrothermel.blogspot.com/2021/04/morbid-symptoms-five-strange-stories-by.html?m=1