A review by passarinho
The Book (The Bell Collection) by Jessica Bell


Relying on the acknowledgements, I would say this book has something of autobiographic, if only in its essence. Therefore, it probably has an immense meaning for the author and her family.
This is a really easy read. You’ll find yourself wanting to turn one more page, again and again, until you reach the end of the book. However, the story itself is very meaningful and invokes a lot of emotion.
Don’t expect a great work of literature. Expect a good moment of reading and you’ll definitely empathize with the characters.
I only wish the book was longer, and that the characters delved into their feelings to a deeper extent.
Nonetheless, I really enjoyed the book, and I hope that I’ll have the opportunity to read other works from Jessica Bell in the future.

Note: I received this book through GoodReads First Reads.